Tuesday, January 04, 2005

NOW can go fly a kite!

Get a life!

My opinion is that if these women sign for something then it was their choice, right? These radio stations did not put a gun to their head and make them sign up for breast enlargements. The National Research Center for Women & Families and the National Organization for Women need to focus on better things than the FREEDOM OF CHOICE!

You have to read this

From the Mobile Register

New Year Goals and Resolutions

Among the other various prophecies:

"I'm going to win the lottery."

"There will be democracy in Iraq."

"A nuclear bomb will be set off in some U.S. city by the U.S. government."

'Stock market will hit 12,000." (The Dow has recently pushed upward toward 11,000.)

"I will quit doing crack."

"We will catch Osama bin Laden."

"More people will accept gay marriages."

I Would Like Fries with that RIGHT NOW!

AA for French Fries?

"A Burger King customer berated the employees and nearly hit one of them with his truck after the clerk at the drive-thru window told him they were out of french fries, police said."

I thought I had issues!

2006 Suspiration