Tuesday, April 18, 2006


This is a term created from Mike Straka's column on Fox News.

We all run into these obliviots in our daily lives. You might even be an obiliviot. An obliviot is someone who is an idiot and doesn't realize it. They are oblivious to their surroundings. Some examples of obliviots are:

- The person that is stopped at a green light, on their cell phone, who is either deep into their conversation or is waiting for the light to turn a better shade of green.

- The driver of a crotch rocket (street bike for those who get offended easily) who speeds past you at 80mph in a 50mph zone. They then complain that drivers of four wheeled cars should be extra careful not to hit them. Have you ever seen the driver of a crotch rocket drive like a normal person?

- Finally, the people that litter. A good example of this is the people that throw their cigarette butts out their car window. THE WORLD IS NOT YOUR TRASHCAN!

If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little. -George Carlin

I confess that I am not perfect, God forbid! I wish people would tell me what I was doing wrong or what what I was doing that was not in favor of commonality so that I will remember for the next time. Usually I just get cussed at or looked at like I have boogers hanging out of my nose.

So for those obliviots out there, please don't be pissed off or start shooting at people when others try to help you!

2006 Suspiration