Thursday, May 04, 2006

Top 10 Idiot Groups in the United States

10. Litterbugs - It is estimated that several trillion cigarette butts are littered worldwide every year. That's billions of cigarettes flicked, one at a time, on our sidewalks, beaches, nature trails, gardens, and other public places every single day. In fact, cigarettes are the most littered item in America and the world. Cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate tow, NOT COTTON, and they can take decades to degrade. Not only does cigarette litter ruin even the most picturesque setting, but the toxic residue in cigarette filters is damaging to the environment, and littered butts cause numerous fires every year, some of them fatal. SMOKING IS LIKE LICKING ASS.
- Source:

9. The ACLU - AKA Paranoid whiney biatches. Because of them we cannot breathe on our prisoners without causing American taxpayers to waste money on some worthless piece of human flesh. We can't execute prisoners because it might hurt them. Did they think that when they did their crime? Where were you then ACLU?

8. The NAACP - We all hear that it doesn't matter what color you are. Apparently it does to the NAACP.

7. Greenpeace - Let's save a whale or a tree and give up centuries of our lives as human beings to do so. Darwin - Survival of the fittest. Greenpeace - Survival of the cutest and greenest.

6. TSA - Glorified cops that have full control of a situation. They have the personality of a rock and the beauty of Hugh Hefner's arse. At least hire some hot chicks to yell at me when I am taking my shoes off (so at least I can pretend I'm roleplaying).

5. NOW - Women want to be like men. Ok go ahead, if you can do a better job than me, great, if not, get the frick out the way and let a man (or dike) do it.

4. Democrats - Democrats whine about Republicans and want Dubya impeached and they want their bowl of cherries and want control of Congress and they want to make sure you know that Republicans are corrupt and this is a very long sentence (like a Democrat talking).

3. Republicans - GOP? Grand Ole Party eh.... They do the opposite of whatever a Democrat does. If a Democrat says white the republicans say black. Basically the Republicans say we need to be in Iraq and the Democrats say oh we are wasting our time and ok my head hurts now. The Republicans are the President's maid.

2. Motorists - Everyone thinks they are the best driver and forgets that the goal of driving is to get from point A to point B. If you are a motorcyclist then you job is to piss everyone off by not following the rules. Selfish people fall into this category. In this group there are subgroups that go on forever. The last one is OLD DRIVERS. Reaction tests should be given to the elderly drivers. The reaction test should go like this: If I say BOO really loud to someone and it takes them more than .1 seconds to react this = NO DRIVER'S LICENSE.

1. Selfish and Arrogant People - You know who you are. The people that do not smile or say hello to someone who says hello to you first. You are the person that doesn't hold the door open for anyone. You are the person who thinks their shit doesn't stink because you have money, or have popularity or you have rank. We are all made of the same atoms. In the end we all end up worm meat.

The world is apparently everyone's trashcan

From the Strakalogue (

If you get a chance when you are stopped at a red light (if you decide to stop), check out the sides of the streets and see if you can count all the cigarette butts on the ground. Yum I love idiots.

2006 Suspiration