Thursday, January 06, 2005


Get a life liberals! Bush won so suck it up

Why do the Democrats(I hate to capitalize that word) insist on wasting the taxpayer's money on delaying the inevitable!

"Their intention in this whole process is merely … to undermine public confidence in the electoral system itself," Pryce said. Challenges are "no more than another exercise in their party's primary goal to obstruct, to divide and destroy."

Get to the real issues of this United States!

AND stop giving money to people who are lazy! Stop giving money to bums who are too lazy to find a job! If we are to be a country divided equally then stop giving preferred treatment to whiners!

Yes the human race can be that stupid

Apparently someone in the past has mistaken a toilet brush for personal hygiene device. Toilet bowel brush!

Hmmm what's this for?

Today's Featured Local News Site

Erie Pennsylvania

Wow it looks cold and miserable up there!

2006 Suspiration