10 types of people that disrupt a normal person's way of life.

1. People who ignore instructions or rules. The fat guy upstairs that does nothing but talk outside the main door to the building while smoking in front of a sign that states NO SMOKING IN THIS AREA. I could go on and on about this.
2. Politicians. Liars who say or do anything that will get them rich or respected. If you don't know something just say so...if you did something wrong just say so.
3. Rednecks. I don’t care if you’re white, black, Hispanic….you can be a redneck. Why? Because you are the one who doesn’t take care of yourself within society. Take a bath! Brush your teeth. Stop littering! Redneck is a synonym of an incompetent person.
4. Bums. People who don't want to work and expect the rest of us to give them money.
5. Hypocrites. Ahh yes. Do as I say, not as I do. Take for instance a priest or rabbi who is a child molester.
6. Lawsuit Junkies. In 2003, Richard Schick sued his former employer, the Illinois Department of Public Aid. Schick sought $5 million plus $166,700 in back pay for sexual and disability discrimination. In fact, Shick was so stressed by this discrimination that he robbed a convenience store with a shotgun. A jury felt his pain and awarded him the money he was seeking. The decision was then reversed. Unfortunately, the $303,830 he was still awarded isn’t doing him much good during the ten years he’s serving for armed robbery.
7. News Media. Why can't they just report the news that is important to us. I really don't care which celebrity broke up with who. I don't care that Tom Cruise is a faggot. I don't care that Anna Nicole Smith is having a baby. What I do care about is if the economy is taking a dive, if there is a bad storm coming, if terrorists are coming. Just tell me about the important items that may have an effect on the well being of the human race, but don't guess about what is going to happen by asking "experts." An expert is anyway who at least farted in the direction of someone who actually knows something about the subject.
8. Illegal Aliens. If you want to come to this country and live in it, then do it legally. Stop sending money back to your country. Pay taxes and poop just like the rest of the citizens of the United States.
9. Mr. or Ms. Important. The world does not revolve around you. I have to wait in this line too, I am human too, why should you get special treatment. I think they should do away with programs that allow special access for those that attribute more money to the cause. Wake up and realize that there are other people sharing this earth with you. This is usually the person that complains to the people surrounding them and expects us to agree or feel his or her pain.
10. People Who Get Offended. Oh he said Mexican, she said fag. If something offends you that easy then move to the moon. I stick with the principle of sticks and stones may break my bones but words never hurt. You let them hurt. Why? Because you are insecure with yourself.
And just for the hell of it:
11. People Who Believe Everything They Read. You know who you are! Have a good day!