America is so enthralled about celebrity's business. WHY? Our brains our turning to mush. We are putting items like this and American Idol on top of the real issues that need to be addressed and communicated. Paris Hilton needs to gain weight anyway. And she's ugly.

Young Americans are stupid. Notice I said most and notice I said stupid. I mean it. A recent study found that 1/3 of young Americans couldn't find Louisiana on a map or identify Mississippi. As you can see by the design of this blog I like maps. Even before I traveled the world I could tell you where any state or country was. Why.....because it's the world I live in. I know where my kidneys are...they are on both sides of my back. I am willing to bet that most young Americans knows where their kidneys are located. It's a part of THEIR body. Why wouldn't they know where Louisiana is? It's a part of THEIR country. Why do they not know? Why?
Many young Americans do not know this information because they simply do not care or they have the mentality that they can look it up on Google. I am afraid to tell them that Google isn't everywhere.
What I am afraid of is that these are the same young Americans that will be teaching further generations to find things on Google instead of just knowing it.
It amazes me that when I tell people I am from Pensacola that they ask me "Isn't that by Tallahassee?" Well just to let you know it's closer to Mobile, AL. Even the news media screwed up in 2000 when they announced Al Gore the winner of Florida when then didn't seem to remember that Florida had a panhandle and, yes, people vote there too.
OOPS They tried to blame it on miscounted votes in the southern counties.
Take this time to study where you live. Study a map and do not be geographically illiterate.