Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Side Jobs as a Web Developer

I was approached by a person here in St. Pete a few weeks ago about a web development job for a media company out of Idaho. I accepted and immediately they wanted work done without any time for me to ramp up on what the hell was going on. I was till trying to grasp their concepts and methodologies. I went to this guys house (Tom) in St. Pete and he went over a few things with me and it was like a firehose in the mouth. I am not the most knowledgeable programmer in the world, but I try.

Tom was supposed to come over last night to help setup my computer at home and guide me a little further on the project. The guy emails me and says he's going to be there at 7:30. I say fine and at 8:15 I am fed up and leave.

I would like the extra money but I don't think it's worth the hassle. I don't even have a contract agreement with them. The CEO of the company sent me a W-9 and I sent it back. I'm going to bill him for the time I've wasted and tell him to get bent (not in that specific way but you know what I mean).


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